Detailed Transition Planning is Instrumental to Launching on Time
Next Generation ORCA – Sound Transit (Seattle, WA)
Sound Transit in Seattle, WA is leading the large-scale replacement of the region’s existing card- based fare collection system, ORCA, launched in 1999. With complex technical and policy integration across the region’s seven transit agencies, and an expansive user base, transition planning is paramount to the project’s success. Sound Transit and their partner agencies are in the process of procuring a new account-based system. Open architecture is key to the new system that integrated new equipment with the legacy fare media during the transition phase and deployed new equipment from various vendors. The regional product also expanded its retail network and integrated with an agency-managed data warehouse.
CCG’s key staff assisted in all aspects of the system design, procurement, integration, and transition planning and is currently leading customer-focused aspects of the detailed design and development. As the consultant leads and SME for the regional point of sale solution, customer and institutional websites, mobile applications, fare vending machines, and customer support tools, our team brings unparalleled subject matter expertise in designing and delivering the highest quality customer experience and user interfaces.
Project Responsibilities
- Program and contract management
- Technical specification development
- Procurement support
- System architecture design
- Fare policy analysis
- Testing oversight and system certification
- Technical and operational transition planning
Key Accomplishments
- Completed development of complex technical specification including unique requirements of seven participating agencies
- Developed detailed system interface specifications for open architecture design
- Led system transition analysis focused on limiting transition time, cost, and impact to existing customers
- Supported testing for customer interfaces, including coordination of usability and accessibility testing