
Salt Lake City


Modernizing America’s First Account-Based System with Innovative and Integrated Thinking

Fare Consulting Services – Utah Transit Authority (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Utah Transit Authority (UTA) operates more than 700 buses, 100 light rail vehicles and 18 commuter rail locomotives which cover over a 1,400 sq-mile service area and serves more than 80% of the state’s population. With over 44 million trips annually, UTA’s vision for their riders is a simple, convenient, flexible, and seamless transit experience that exceeds customers’ expectations. Clevor Consulting Group (CCG) was hired to transform UTA’s vision into a strategic roadmap for the future of their current fare collection systems. CCG’s study compared UTA’s current state against desired goals, industry trends and estimated costs to deliver final recommendations that guided the agency in the development and release of solicitations that best align with UTA’s overall vision and operational objectives. In 2025, after a successful partnership delivering the strategic roadmap for UTA’s fare collection system, Clevor Consulting Group (CCG) was awarded a contract to modernize UTA’s mobile solution and a plan for aging bus fareboxes.

Period of Performance: January 2021 to Present

Project Responsibilities

  • Assess alignment of key stakeholders
  • Current state of fare collection subsystems analysis
  • Comprehensive review
  • Industry research
  • Gap analysis
  • Future system options-upgraded/replacement
  • High-level cost of fare collection analysis
  • High-level capital and operating cost estimates
  • Strategic and tactical options
  • Existing solution review
  • Stakeholder needs analysis
  • Implementation plan
  • Final report and project presentation

Key Accomplishments

  • Established goals and objective
  • Completed a current state of review
  • Conducted an industry review and gap analysis
  • Drafted and evaluated multiple options
  • Provided operating and capital cost estimates
  • Provided gap analysis on agency created technical specifications
References available upon request.