


We set the Stage as the MTA Launches its Modern Account-Based Fare System

Next Generation Fare System Implementation (Nashville, TN)

WeGo Public Transit hired Clevor Consulting Group (CCG) to conduct a review of current project scope, policies, business rules, fare structure and current systems status. The primary objective was to create a robust Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual for the new fare system covering all critical operational functions related to the ticket office and call center, bus operators, validator and TVM maintenance, cash services, accounting and financial controls, and ridership/revenue reporting.

Additionally, CCG provided guidance on the development of an interagency revenue and cost sharing agreements between Nashville MTA and the Regional Transportation Authority of Middle, Tennessee. With extensive experience in both the implementation of fare systems and interagency agreements, we provided strategic guidance related to any gaps or updates that may be recommended, as well as an extensive SOP manual of all critical areas of operations. CCG supported integrated lab and field testing to identify remaining issues prior to full public launch following this initial work.

After the initial project concluded, WeGo requested that CCG be brought onto the existing consultant’s team to provide SME support of solution testing for the launch of the system. As part of this effort, our SMEs developed and performed detailed, rigorous and comprehensive testing of the complete system identifying critical items that must be prioritized prior to public launch.

Period of Performance: July 2020 to January 2024

Project Responsibilities

  • Current systems review
  • Creation of robust Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual
  • Strategic guidance of interagency revenue and cost sharing agreement
  • Implementation technical support
  • Development of test plan
  • Integrated lab and field testing

Key Accomplishments

  • Review of current documentation and systems
  • Creation of an extensive SOP manual
  • Key updates to interagency and cost sharing agreement
  • Integrated lab and field testing
  • Post-implementation testing
  • Technical support, as needed
References available upon request.